Momentum by Marc Diamond



Price: $8.95
ISBN: 0-88978-179-6
Pulp Press, 1986

About the Book

In a west coast city preparing itself for a world exposition, a man named Still is on the move. Downwardly mobile, having lost his government job, Still plummets through a matrix of a society frenzied with hope and disappointment. Meanwhile, “The Thing” begins to take shape on the waterfront, bombarding the city with fireworks and hoopla, forcing the lost ones further and further away.

Saved from despair by his sense of irony, Still retains his gambler’s instinct. His winner’s trajectory takes him from the race track and out through Yuppie town and Skid Row. Still can only hang on as the city swings into a haze of lotteries, explosions and murder. Momentum was later reprinted by Penguin Book in the United States.

“A Runyonesque romp!”
–the Montreal Gazette

“… like a good horse race…exciting, unpredictable and well worth the price of admission.”
–the Calgary Herald

About the Author

Marc Diamond was born in New York in 1944 and settled in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1980. He has been a theatre director, an opera librettist, a playwright and a theatre professor at Simon Fraser University.