Moss-Haired Girl: The Confessions of a Circus Performer by RH Slansky

  • 3daynovel 
Moss-Haired Girl

Moss-Haired Girl

Price: $16.00
ISBN: 978-1-77214-002-6
Anvil Press, 2014

Purchase through Anvil Press

About the Book

Joshua Chapman Green is searching for answers. He is combing through boxes in the attic of his recently deceased mother’s home and uncovering childhood memories, mysterious letters, and perplexing photos of people he does not know. They appear to be circus performers, members of a travelling freak show, or Victorian era sideshow performers. Then he finds a crumbling copy of Moss-Haired Girl: Confessions of a Circus Performer by Zara Zalinzi . . . the clasp falls away and the pages open revealing a family story that may or may not be fiction . . .

In this ambitious short novel, R.H. Slansky weaves a complex narrative about the very nature of narrative: it is an annotated re-issue of a fictional autobiography that casts a questioning eye on the reliability of family lore.

About the Author

RH Slansky

RH Slansky

R.H. Slansky grew up in a family of travelling circus performers. She now works in the myth-making world of film animation and writes fantastical stories at night. She has been writing since the age of four, and lives in the wonderful—but geographically unstable—city of San Francisco. Moss-Haired Girl is her first published novel. This is all true; or maybe it’s not.

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